Tackleford Wikia

The University of Tackleford is the leading institution of higher education in the Tackleford area. Several characters have been involved with it as faculty, staff, or students, though some locals chose to get their university education in more distant places.

The student newspaper is the Clarion.


  • Werner Braun, who later was captured by a religious cult, lost his memory, and was known as "Monty".
  • Neil Haversham, Mildred's father, is a professor of physics.
  • Len Pickering became a professor of journalism there after leaving City Limit magazine, where he was the editor. He's apparently now retired.


  • Eustace Boyce worked as a lab technician for Professor Haversham (where he was teased by Mildred, who secretly crushed on him).
  • Barry Proops, a chemist who was also a former student of this university. (See below.)
  • Ralph, the shady occultist friend of Ryan Beckwith did run the elevator of the building in which Len was working.[1]
  • William Crow, a friend of Tessa and Rachel who was working at the university's library.[2]


  • Tessa Davies and Rachel Dukakis-Monteforte attended the university together as journalism students, and revived the student newspaper.
  • The five members of the Chemistry Society: Froggy, Bad Larry, Lupus Crane, Barry Proops and Stevie Sprake.[3] A prank turned Stevie into sentient gas [4][5], while Barry went on to join the university's staff.[6]