Tackleford Wikia

Woo Drew was a show put on by Len Pickering in November 2000 in order to attract the romantic interest of Drew Barrymore (and you thought it would be Drew Carey?). Apparently having more money than sense at the time, he booked the Royal Albert Hall (the famous London venue for which the Beatles wondered how many holes it would take to fill), and assigned Fallon Young to book acts to perform. Among the performers on the program was Radiohead, but this turned out to be Steve Radiohead, a guy with a radio in his head. Booking the actual Radiohead band would have likely been not so difficult if Fallon had actually given it a try, however, since a few months later they were seen auditioning as a wedding band.

Len's daughter Amy took this whole business in the same manner she took most of her father's activities, as yet another embarrassment she would hopefully get through. However, surprisingly enough, this show actually achieved its aim of getting Ms. Barrymore to show up, as she drove up in KITT, the talking car from Knight Rider. She declined romance with Len, however, claiming that Cameron Diaz was actually in love with Len, and Drew didn't want to endanger her friendship with Cameron by pursuing him herself. This prompted Len to announce a "Diaz-Fest 2001", though perhaps he thought better of it (or was talked out of it) later, since no such event was ever shown as occurring.
